Development Partners
Amenity Suites believes that housing should be built with local stakeholders.  When we enter new markets, our first goal is finding Development Partners.  Development Partners are individuals and businesses with strong networks of local contacts.

It is the responsibility of the Development Partner to make introductions to Project Partners (contractors, architects, engineers) and investors.  The capital stack (the funding) for our projects comes from a combination of private capital (private equity, private debt, venture capital) and banks.  The Development Partner brings in the private equity through direct investment or by making introductions to local investors.

A Development Partner can earn ownership through sweat equity and/or direct investment.  If a Development Partner chooses to invest, then they must qualify as an Accredited Investor.  To comply with Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules and regulations, all investors in Amenity Suites projects must be Accredited Investors.

The SEC defines an Accredited Investor as someone who:
For a more information about Rule 506(c), visit:
For a more information about Accredited Investors, visit: